Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chocoholics Anonymous

Liam as been seduced by the dark side....chocolate! I think he has always preferred chocolate...I think back to his first Halloween when he ate all the chocolate and left the gummy worms, and Starburst for mom and dad. Since he is better able to express himself now I have noticed more and more his preference for chocolate. The kicker came when I gave him a cookie that a friend made (I had also had a cookie so I knew they were delicious) and he wasted no time in digging the chocolate chips out of the cookie and leaving the crumbs on the sofa.

Recently we were talking about what his friend at day care likes and what Liam likes. Liam said that his friend W. liked jelly. I asked if Liam liked jelly. He said in his cheery voice, "I love chocolate!"

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bigger and bigger!

My son is desperate to get bigger....you see, he is a Spider-man fan. He hasn't seen the movies or TV shows. His love of Spidey comes from his day care friends and the ability to buy just about anything with the superhero's face on it. I mistakenly bought (an impulse purchase-bad mommy!) a DVD called, "Spider-man: The New Animated Series." Little did I know that this animated series was not appropriate for children. (I realize that not all animated shows are for children...my husband and I watch The Simpsons, and King of the Hill, etc. ) Liam saw one of the Spidey episodes from the DVD until I turned it off and said it was too big for him. He continues to ask to see the show. I continually tell him, "when you get bigger". Which in my mind is when he is 35! Of course, the little tyke does not realize what I mean by bigger...yes, I phrased it poorly. He seems to have taken this getting bigger business as a challenge...he frequently comments about how much bigger he is. He can easily reach the top of the banister now, he can put his coat on and zip it by himself, he can sit on the tub and his feet touch the floor. Recently, he asked if he could watch his Spiderman movie. "Not until you get bigger," I say. "It is taking too long to get bigger", he cries.
Good news for Liam! I found that some sellers on amazon.com have the 1990's version of Spider-man from FoxKids. I just purchased one and am waiting anxiously for it to come. I will probably preview it first this time. Hopefully, it will be just the right size for Liam.