Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"Why is he sad?"

If you are forced to listen to top 40 radio then you've probably heard The Plain White Tee's song "Hey there, Delilah". Liam and I were in the car and this song was playing when he asked, "Why is he so sad?" After listening to the song a few seconds so I could remember what it was about, I said, "He misses his girlfriend." "Girlfriend? What's a girlfriend?" Oh crap! I'm sure I came up with a brilliant answer...or more likely I said, "Look, there's a digger!" or something like that in order the change the topic. This morning Liam was playing his guitar (he got a real one...with strings... for his birthday) when he said, "Watch mom, I'm playing a sad song." I'm not sure what made it sad compared to his other songs but I enjoy that he is feeling out the difference between a sad song and a happy song.

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